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Sliding Into the Home Stretch

This year has been a hot mess.  COVID19 has not gone away and in fact is on the upswing again.  Campus did make it to our predetermined face to face stop point which was amazing.  We did not have a massive outbreak throughout the system really.  We did have people get sick but to my knowledge we haven't lost anyone on campus due to COVID.  I am counting down my days till my quarantine ends.  Thankfully it started as we were already planning to be home so next week when classes start again I'll be in the clear.  Navigating this with the nice lady who lives here has been tricky as I thought it would be.  Mostly because I still have to interact with her a bit to make sure she's eating, has the groceries she needs and gets her insulin once a day.  Insulin you may be asking.  Well yes because in addition to my close contact, we are almost four weeks out from mom's last hospital stay.  She's fine and I am not sure she'll need the insulin much longer but for several weeks before this break started I was either running to the hospital or working on medication changes.  She's cute but she's exhausting.  I'm exhausted.  Thankfully, neither one of us have gotten any symptoms of COVID as of yet so if we make it out of this weekend without killing each other we may just be able to relax for December.  Fingers crossed.  

We had also already pretty much decided we were not doing a traditional Thanksgiving dinner this year either because that's an all day cooking even that neither of us was really looking forward to.  Surf and turf is on the agenda and I'm going to attempt to make a pecan cobbler.  I'm not a peaches girl and the nice lady is concerned literally everything is going to raise her blood sugar so there's no need to make something she won't eat either.  So I'm gonna try something new, scrap it if it sucks, and eat homemade ice cream.  Ice cream never disappoints.

Stay safe and warm.


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