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Showing posts from January, 2020

When You're Just Tired

I love my mother, really I do.  If I didn't she'd be homeless cause she sucks as a roommate.  Not in the ways that would make someone suck traditionally though.  She washes the dishes most days--but typically while you may still be eating because you just got home from work or running errands for her so now it looks like you're a jerk because she wants to finish the dishes before you have started savoring your meal.  She cooks but nothing you asked for, want or desire to eat at any point in your life.  She vacuums excessively but cannot for the life of her remember how to open the canister on the vacuum cleaner to empty the accumulated mess.  And even though we have a senior bus system that can take her where she wants to go whenever she basically refuses to use it because it doesn't cater to her whims in the same way you do. This week 4/5 work days had me out until at least 8 PM even though one of them was technically a holiday but we went to see a speaker.  After ea

You take the good, you take the bad and there you have Beat Saber

So I treated myself to lots of things this Christmas but the one I could share was Beat Saber on Oculus Quest.  I played a little bit the day I got it but prepping for a new semester and all that jazz got in the way of playing with it more.  I fired it up today to make sure everything was working correctly still and jumped into a Beat Saber game.  About 20 minutes later I asked mom if she wanted to join in.  What ensued was 90 minutes of us laughing as she learned how to work a VR headset and we jammed out to the Imagine Dragons expansion pack.