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Showing posts from March, 2020

Coronavirus, Quarantine, and Quests for Sanity

Unless you're new around these parts you know that mom lives with me and she's a bit older.  She's a few years shy of seventy which plants her in that sweet spot for COVID-19 to be nasty.  Her immune system isn't compromised but she's had serious health issues in the past that make me wary of her doing more of anything out and about.  That was great until work said all of you go home.  I totally know why they are doing it and in theory it's a good thing but let me tell you how living with someone who doesn't plan well, who I have to work to keep healthy, and who invades my free time on a regular day is going to be super not fun when I don't have the consistency of work to partake of.  As the nation moves to use the same technology I'm not sure if any of my current plans for classes will work out at all.  That stress, on top of student stress, on top of been at home with mom stress is making me well stressed.  And this week I found out I may not be ab