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Showing posts from December, 2019

Baking, Bedspreads and Bubba

As someone who works in academia, this time of year is usually a mix of trying desperately to relax and preparation for the next term.  It looks like we have two or three weeks off but we only do in theory.  Meetings will start again shortly after the first of the year.  Students will be clamoring for course content and we will want to go back to sleep.  Doing all of that while taking care of another human being, other than yourself, is a different kind of challenge.  Thanksgiving was our normal standoff of well we've eaten let's go shopping--nope.  Christmas was great but I realized that was because I spent most of the day doing things I enjoy.  I woke up and baked and made Belgian waffles until midday when I switched gears to make dinner.  I gave mom her literally hard to find gifts and some other things she said she needed last minute.  All was well until about 8 that night when she asked for a gift she can't actually describe well was.  She wants a heavy bedspread b